Donnerstag, 25. März 2010

Barbour Up!!

Hey guys,

today is just a nice day, although it is quite rainy. But that is not that bad, because today I got my Barbour Beaufort Jacket. A nice waxjacket, which is perfect for this awful weather here at the moment. It took Barbour less than 2 months to produce it. "Great" job by the way!

Anyway, now I got it and it is mine!!

Doesn't look that awesome??

At this point, I have to thank the European Union, which had financed this jacket. Thank you!

And the jacket did not come to late, because next week my brother is coming and we are going to the Isle of Skye! And that means: "Barbour Up!!"


Dienstag, 23. März 2010

Dundee vs. Abertay on St. Patrick's Day

Hey guys,

this is probably a bit too late, but it took Grant almost a week, to host the photos I made on St. Patrick's Day.

So, what happened? Last week, during our hour on the Driving Range, Grant asked me, if I would like to join them on Paddy's Day. They were playing for the University of Dundee against the local rivals of the University of Abertay, which is also in Dundee!

We met at the Union and drove with one of the Universities buses to the Panmure Golf Club ( It was a really nice and sunny day. By the fact that my golf skills are not as good as theirs, I took part as the photographer. I joined the first group with Grant and Andy.

Of course Dundee won with 5:3 against Abertay. I mean those guys liked playing in the "sandboxes" aka the bunkers.

After 3 or 4 hours and 18 holes of teeing off, walking, putting and walking we arrived back at the club house were we started Paddy's Day with a cold beer.

Unfortunately Grant did not send me a picture of me in my fancy green shirt. I need to talk to him tonight! If I got it I will add it here!

After we went back to Dundee and a short dinner in one of the guy's flat we ended up in the Union. Although it was not as busy as on Halloween, there where still a lot of people! I guess the rest was already lying in their bed sleeping after drinking the whole day Guinness!!
